BIG CHAP is a non-ionic detergent possessing deoxycholic acid and a gluconamide polar group. It has a high CMC value of 2.9 mM and can be easily separated by dialysis. Because its UV absorbance is low, it can be used for the determination of proteins. BIG CHAP has been used for the extraction of opioid receptors from neuroblastoma or hybrid cells of glyoma. It has also been applied to adenylate cyclase or acetyltransferase. These detergents are also widely used to solubilize chromophores or to stabilize enzymes in diagnostic analyses and biochemical assays.
CAS Number:
N,N’-Bis (3-D-glucon-amidopropyl) cholamide; N,N-Bis [3-D-gluconamidopropyl] cholamide (Ultra Pure); 86303-22-2; N n-bis(3-(d-gluconamido)-propyl) &; Bigchap(n,n-bis[3-d-gluconamidopropyl]-cholamide); (3a,5b,7a,12a)-N,N-Bis[3-(D-gluconoylamino) propyl]-3,7,12-trihydroxycholan-24-amide
Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight:
878.067 g/mol
InChI Key: