Puromycin dihydrochloride


Cat. No.: 10308 Category:


General Description
Puromycin dihydrochloride is the hydrochloride salt form of puromycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces alboniger. Acting as an analog of the 3′ terminal end of aminoacyl-tRNA, puromycin incorporates itself into a growing polypeptide chain and causes its premature termination, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis. This agent has antimicrobial, antitrypanosomal, and antineoplastic properties; it is used as an antibiotic in cell culture.

Puromycin associates in a non-specific manner with growing polypeptide chains, and thus, leads to premature termination of translation. It inhibits protein synthesis in two ways. It associates with the donor substrate, peptidyl-tRNA, in the P site and thus, functions as an acceptor substrate. Second, it competes with aminoacyl tRNA to bind with the A′ site within the peptidyl transferase center.

Mode of Action: Puromycin inhibits protein synthesis by causing premature chain termination acting as an analog of the 3′-terminal end of the aminoacyl-tRNA.

Mode of Resistance: Puromycin acetyltransferase is an effective resistance gene.

Antimicrobial Spectrum: This product is active against gram-positive microorganisms, less active against acid-fast bacilli and more weakly active against gram-negative microorganisms. Puromycin can prevent growth of bacteria, protozoa, algae and mammalian cells and acts quickly, killing 99% of cells within 2 days.


CAS Number:               58-58-2
Synonyms:                    Puromycin 2HCl; UNII-PGN54228S5; Puromycin (Dihydrochloride); Puromycin hydrochloride
Molecular Formula:     C22H29N7O5.2HCl
Molecular Weight:        544.434 g/mol
InChI Key:                      MKSVFGKWZLUTTO-FZFAUISWSA-N

Additional information


100 mg, 500 mg, 1 g

Certificate of Analysis